Good Charlotte on Lil Peep

Through your art you will live forever.
Good Charlotte have shared a studio recording of Lil Peep's "Awful Things," available for streaming now. And along with sharing the track, the band penned a heartfelt message about Lil Peep's life and lasting legacy.
Every now and then a new artist comes along, who you know is sure to change music. Lil Peep was one of those artists.
The band covered Peep's song earlier this month at Lil Peep's special fan memorial service, and GC's Joel Madden says they were happy to be a part of the memorial and show their love for Peep, his fans, family and friends.
“They asked us if we wanted to do something to participate in the memorial. We were overseas on tour in the U.K., so we put together that cover. It was kind of crazy—we put it together, recorded it, filmed it, all in a matter of two or three days,"
Madden explains.
"We just wanted to do something to be a part of the memorial and show our love to Peep and his fans and his family and his friends. To be there in spirit and to be there musically. We were just really happy we could put it together in time and be a part of it. It was as special for us as anything we've ever done.”
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